Aid to Ukraine made transparent
How it works
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What’s the platform for?

This platform is designed to monitor the provision, receipt and distribution of humanitarian assistance.

We emphasize: the main goal of this solution is to ensure the transparency and the effectiveness of humanitarian aid! 

Unlike other platforms created for charitable organizations to seek charitable assistance and establish links with donor organizations, the focus of this project is the flow of humanitarian aid – from the point of origin to the point of destination

This platform was created based on our own experience of establishment of the volunteer organization, receipt and distribution of humanitarian aid, provision of logistic support, including crossing of the state border. 

From our own experience, we know how donors send winter clothes in May when it is not needed. We faced with the cases when warehouses of some volunteer group are burdened with similar types of goods (for example, diapers) and these goods are desperately needed in another volunteer organization. We hear the stories that humanitarian aid did not reach to someone, or there was a commercial sale of this aid, or just theft. 

Therefore, we have focused on tracking humanitarian assistance as material assets and then on who provides it and who receives.

We have very carefully considered the process of participants’ registration on the platform both those who provide assistance and those to whom it is assigned.

First, OPENDATABOT service allows us to confirm the authenticity of the legal entity and that this legal entity is not in the bankruptcy stage, it has no problems with the law and has not been created with the participation of Russian capital, Russian individuals or legal entities.

In addition, organizations registered on the platform provide as much information as they believe necessary. Mandatory information includes legal entity signs and contact details. Information about statutory and day-to-day activities, needs and directions of charitable activity, as well as information confirming the volume of received or provided charitable assistance can also be added on the user profile on the platform.

This information is used to establish the rating of donor or recipient organization.

The recipient’s rating helps international charitable organizations to determine who to provide humanitarian assistance. Thus, the more transparent the recipient’s activity is and the more information is given about the received and distributed further assistance, the more trust the donors have in such organization. And the AIDMonitor platform provides an opportunity to get an objective evaluation of each registered user.

How are monitoring and tracking designed?

The platform provides opportunities for donors and recipients for mutual information, documentary and commodity circulation in the process of providing and receiving humanitarian assistance.

The project implements an approach whereby the analysis of the movement of humanitarian aid is divided into three separate streams at the point of formation of humanitarian aid (D) – informational, material and documentary.

These streams are again gathered at the end point of the humanitarian aid movement to confirm the expected outcome, i.e. receiving humanitarian aid by the recipient (R),


To use the platform, you must first register as a donor or as a recipient. 


Who can use this platform?

The platform may be used by legal entities of public and private law. 

Donors can be organizations, regardless of the country of origin, but subject to sanctions restrictions and the country of origin both donor and capital. The country of origin of the donor is automatically checked by the system. For the legal entities of Ukraine, the automated check of debts to the budget, bankruptcy or liquidation and court cases on the claim of the state is also applied.

Who are the donors, recipients and ultimate beneficiaries?

Within the AIDMonitor platform:

"Donor" means an organization that only and exclusively provides humanitarian assistance to one or more recipients or any number of ultimate beneficiaries;

"Recipient" means an organization that receives humanitarian assistance, processes it in a certain way (repacks, splits it into smaller parts or vice versa, performs any necessary manipulations) and forwards it further to the following recipients or independently distributes it to the ultimate beneficiaries, while providing a full logistics cycle (warehousing, storage, security, loading, transportation, etc.). If the beneficiary is not specified by the donor, the recipient shall have the right to dispose of the humanitarian aid on his own and to determine independently to whom to transfer it.

"Beneficiary" means the final recipient of humanitarian aid, who may be either an individual or a group of individuals, which is organized in a certain way and for which the assistance cannot be divided. For example, humanitarian aid for a hospital or kindergarten, school, etc.

Donors and recipients rating

The system provides for the ranking of donors and recipients on the basis of transparency. This feature is determined by the amount of information the organization wants to publicly report on itself and the needs for which it collects humanitarian aid, the quantity of humanitarian aid provided or received by the organization, in which volumes and so on.

The more information that is publicly available is published on the platform, the higher the ranking is received by the organization