The community of Pryazovske is a picturesque corner with unusual views on the coast of the Sea of Azov. More than 32 nationalities live on the territory, who treat each other with respect. They have been friends, created families and exchanged experience for many years. The colour of the community is its interculturality. We are proud of our people: hardworking, talented, sincere and brave! The uniqueness of Pryazovske also lies in the fact that we organically combine ancient traditions, which people keep sacredly, and the latest technologies.
The main priority in the community is a constant movement forward. In 2021, a good foundation was laid. Many infrastructure projects were aimed at creating more comfortable conditions for the life and recreation of residents. This concerns the arrangement of educational and cultural space, the equipment of medical institutions, the equipment of facilities for tourists and lovers of active sports leisure, the repair of roads, the creation of a significant number of new green areas, etc.
The community of Pryazovske has great tourist potential. Therefore, special attention was paid to the development of the recreation area, improvement of tourist routes and creation of conditions for effective joint work of the authorities and business, aimed at improving conditions for guests and locals on the Azov coast.
Anyone who has not attended festivals in the community of Pryazovske has not really gotten to know it. Holidays organized by inhabitants are always an interesting, colorful and bright event. There is beautiful singing, fiery dances, talented creations of our creative children and adults, authentic national cuisine, sincere smiles and a friendly attitude.
Such was the life of our community until February 24, when the Russians began to bombard Ukraine at night. We all woke up that day in a different reality. We woke up different people. In the first days of the full-scale invasion, our community was occupied. Residents of Pryazovske learned with horror what it is like to live under the muzzle of machine guns of despicable rascals who came to our land to rob, destroy, and kill. Life in the occupation is very difficult: lack of necessary products, goods, medicines, cash. All these factors, and the main concern for the safety of family and friends, forced the people of Priazovske to leave their homes and flee the world. Someone found refuge in free Ukraine, someone went abroad. People are trying to continue living.
The team of the Pryazovske settlement council supports the residents of the community. For those who evacuated, we help with the registration of all necessary documents, the registration of IDP status and financial assistance, we provide everything necessary for the first time and in the future we maintain constant communication to resolve the issues that arise. Through humanitarian channels, with the help of volunteers from among our residents, we deliver humanitarian aid to the occupied territory, we also communicate with people online and provide all important information. In order to fully provide the participants with everything they need, we need to replenish stocks: food, children's goods, personal hygiene products, medicines and antibacterial agents, household items and winter clothes.
Currently, the occupiers have opened Russian schools in the Pryazovske community and, intimidating parents, are forcing children behind desks in order to brainwash them with shameful propaganda and use schoolchildren as human shields. The patriotic part of the Azov educational family organized an online school for children, where they teach according to Ukrainian programs. To improve the implementation of such an important educational project, a sufficient number of computers, both for teachers and for children, office equipment, and stationery is necessary.
We sincerely hope for help and cooperation! The whole world has united around Ukraine! We are truly grateful for such support! Ukraine will be free! This is a dream for the whole country!
Pryazovske is Ukraine!
Приазовська громада – це мальовничий кутрчок з незвичайними краєвидами на узбережжі Азовського моря. На території проживають більше 32 національностей, які з повагою ставляться одне до одного, багато років товаришують та створюють сім’ї, обмінюються досвідом. Колорит громади в її інтеркультурності. Ми пишаємося нашими людьми: працьовитими, талановитими, щирими, сміливими! Унікальність Приазовщини ще й в тому, що в нас органічно поєднуються старовинні традиції, які люди свято бережуть і новітні технології.